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Também é possível enviar referências novas, correções e outros .. Pages 91 in Servat, G., S. Correa, A. Bravo, and D. Cadena (eds.) .. La Zona Reservada Tambopata-Candamo y el desarrollo sostenible de San Juan del Oro y sus The rates and sequences of six call types were examined by context: single. Incluye las listas bibliográficas publicadas durante los años a , y las citas no mencionadas en ellas. Se incluyeron el ISSN o ISBN según. Una cita para nostálgicos: vuelve a los escenarios de Madrid Guns N'Roses. Sting, ex leader of The Police, is performing at the Sports Palace. q Pág / P 36 The most famous songs by the duo Cómplices come alive in this new .. He has rearranaged his greatest hits to Calle Juan Bravo DIEGO DE.

Guy de Maupassant Miss Harriet There were seven of us on a drag, four women and three men; one of the latter sat on the box seat beside the coachman. We were ascending, at a snail's pace, the winding road up the steep cliff along the coast. Setting out from Etretat at break of day in order to visit the ruins of Tancarville, we were still half asleep, benumbed by the fresh air of the morning. The women especially, who were little accustomed to these early excursions, half opened and closed their eyes every moment, nodding their heads or yawning, quite insensible to the beauties of the dawn.

It was autumn. On both sides of Sting singles citas ruber juan bravo road stretched the bare fields, yellowed by the stubble of wheat and oats which covered the soil like a beard that had been badly shaved. The moist earth seemed to steam.

Larks were singing high up in the air, while other birds piped in the bushes. The sun rose at length in front of us, bright red on the plane of the horizon, and in proportion as it ascended, growing clearer from minute to minute, the country seemed to awake, to smile, to shake itself like a young girl leaving her bed in her white robe of vapor. The animal scurried along, almost hidden by the clover, only its large ears showing. Then it swerved across a furrow, stopped, started off again at full speed, changed its course, stopped anew, uneasy, spying out every danger, uncertain what route to take, when suddenly it began to run with great bounds, disappearing Sting singles citas ruber juan bravo in a large patch of beet-root.

All the men had waked up to watch the course of the animal. Reassure yourself; he will not return before Saturday, so you have still four days. You, Monsieur Chenal, who have the reputation of having had more love affairs than the Due de Richelieu, tell us a love story in which you have played a part; anything you like.

Then, after a few moments' reflection, he suddenly became serious. I call 'pillaging' wandering about, with a knapsack on one's back, from inn to inn, under the pretext of making studies and sketching landscapes. I knew nothing more enjoyable than that happy-go-lucky wandering life, in which one is perfectly free, without shackles of any kind, without care, without preoccupation, without thinking even of the morrow.

One goes in any direction one pleases, without any guide save his fancy, without any counsellor save his eyes. One stops because a running brook attracts one, because the smell of potatoes frying tickles one's olfactories on passing an inn. Sometimes it is the perfume of clematis which decides one in his choice or the roguish glance of the servant at an inn.

Do not despise me for my affection for these rustics. These girls have Sting singles citas ruber juan bravo soul as well as senses, not to mention firm cheeks and fresh lips; while their hearty and willing kisses have the flavor of wild fruit. Love is always love, come whence it may. A heart that beats at your approach, an eye that weeps when you go away are things so rare, so sweet, so precious that they must never be despised.

I have recollections of coarse gray cloth covering supple peasant skin and regrets for simple, frank kisses, more delicate in their unaffected sincerity than the subtle favors of charming and distinguished women. These are, for the painter, honeymoon trips with Nature.

One is alone with her in that long and quiet association. You go to sleep in the fields, amid marguerites and poppies, and when you open your eyes in the full glare of the sunlight you descry in the distance the little village with its pointed clock tower which sounds the hour of noon.

Sting singles citas ruber juan bravo go down on your knees, bend forward and drink that cold, pellucid water which wets your mustache and nose; you drink it with a physical pleasure, as though you kissed the spring, lip to lip. Sometimes, when you find a deep hole along the course of these tiny brooks, you plunge in quite naked, and you feel on your skin, from head to foot, as it were, an icy and delicious caress, the light and gentle quivering of Sting singles citas ruber juan bravo stream.

And at night, Sting singles citas ruber juan bravo the moon, which passes across the vault of heaven, you think of a thousand strange things which would never have occurred to your mind under the brilliant light of day. I came from Fecamp, following the coast, a high coast as straight as a wall, with its projecting chalk cliffs descending perpendicularly into the sea.

I had walked since early morning on the short grass, smooth and yielding as a carpet, that grows on the edge of the cliff. And, singing lustily, I walked with long strides, looking sometimes at the slow circling flight of a gull with its white curved wings outlined on the blue sky, sometimes at the brown sails of a fishing bark on the green Sting singles citas ruber juan bravo.

In short, I had passed a happy day, a day of liberty and of freedom from care. The spreading apple trees covered the court with a shower of blossoms which rained unceasingly both upon people and upon the grass.

The room looked into the large, smoky kitchen, where the lodgers took their meals with the people of the farm and the landlady, who was a widow. The old woman was making a chicken fricassee for dinner in the large fireplace in which hung the iron pot, black with smoke.

She occupies the other room. She was very thin, very tall, so tightly enveloped in a red Scotch plaid shawl that one might have supposed she had no arms, if one had not seen a long hand appear just above the hips, holding a white tourist umbrella.

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Her face was like that of a mummy, surrounded with curls of gray hair, which tossed about at every step she took and made me think, I know Sting singles citas ruber juan bravo why, of a pickled herring in curl papers. Lowering her eyes, she passed quickly in front of me and entered the house.

She undoubtedly was my neighbor, the English lady of mature age of whom our hostess had spoken. The next day, when I had settled myself to commence painting at the end of that beautiful valley which you know and which extends as far as Etretat, I perceived, on lifting my eyes suddenly, something singular standing on the crest of the cliff, one might have said a pole decked out with flags.

It was she. On seeing me, she suddenly disappeared. I reentered the house at midday for lunch and took my seat at the general table, so as to make the acquaintance of this odd character. But she did not respond to my polite advances, was insensible even to my little attentions. I poured out water for her persistently, I passed her the dishes with great eagerness.

A slight, almost imperceptible, movement of the head and an English word, murmured so low that I did not understand it, were her only acknowledgments. Seeking out a secluded village in which to pass the summer, she had been Sting singles citas ruber juan bravo to Benouville some six months before and did not seem disposed to leave it.

She never spoke at table, ate rapidly, reading all the while a small book of the Protestant propaganda. She gave a copy of it to everybody. The cure himself had received no less than four copies, conveyed by an urchin to whom she had paid two sous commission. I admire him in all creation; I adore him in all nature; I carry him always in my heart. In fact, the schoolmaster having pronounced her an atheist, a kind of stigma attached to her.

It was asserted, however, that this English woman was rich and that she had passed her life in travelling through every country in the world because her family had cast her off. Why had her family cast her off? Because of her impiety, of course!

She had found a phrase by which to describe her, a term of contempt that rose to her lips, called forth by I know not what confused and mysterious mental ratiocination. She said: 'That woman is a demoniac.

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I myself never called her anything now but 'the demoniac,' experiencing a singular pleasure in pronouncing aloud this word on perceiving her. She picked up a toad which had had its paw crushed and carried it to her room and has put it in her washbasin and bandaged it as if it were a man. If that is not profanation I should like to know what is! The sailor from whom she had bought it, although she paid him handsomely, now began to swear, more exasperated, indeed, than if she had put her hand into his pocket and taken his money.

For more than a month he could not speak of the Sting singles citas ruber juan bravo without becoming furious and denouncing it as an outrage. Oh, yes! She was indeed a demoniac, this Miss Harriet, and Mother Lecacheur must have had an inspiration in thus christening her. He said with a roguish air: 'She is an old hag who has seen life. Probably her only reason was that she was a stranger, of another race; of a different tongue and of another religion.

She was, in fact, a demoniac! I found Sting singles citas ruber juan bravo one evening on her knees in a cluster of bushes. Having discovered something red through the leaves, I brushed aside the branches, and Miss Harriet at once rose to her feet, Sting singles citas ruber juan bravo at having been found thus, fixing on me terrified eyes like those of an owl surprised in open day. She would be gazing in rapture at the vast sea glittering in the sunlight and the boundless sky with its golden tints.

Sometimes I would distinguish her at the end of the valley, walking quickly with her elastic English step, and I would go toward her, attracted by I know not what, simply to see her illuminated visage, her dried-up, ineffable features, which seemed to glow with inward and profound happiness. I was happy in this sequestered farm, far removed from everything, but in touch with the earth, the good, beautiful, green earth.

And - must I avow it? I wished to become acquainted a little with this strange Miss Harriet and to know what transpires in the solitary souls of those wandering old English women. I had just finished a study which appeared to me to be worth something, and so it was, as it sold for ten thousand francs fifteen years later. It was as simple, however, as two and two make four and was not according to academic rules. The whole right side of my canvas represented a rock, an enormous rock, covered with sea-wrack, brown, yellow and red, across which the sun poured like a stream of oil.

The light fell upon the rock as though it were aflame without the sun, which was at my back, being visible. That was all. A first bewildering study of blazing, gorgeous light. I would have liked the whole world to see it at once. I can remember that I showed it to a cow that was browsing by the wayside, exclaiming as I did so: 'Look at that, my old beauty; you will not often see its like again. Landlady, come here and look at this. The demoniac could not help but see it, for I took care to exhibit the thing in such a way that it could not escape her notice.

She stopped abruptly and stood motionless, astonished. It was her rock which was depicted, the one which she climbed to dream away her time undisturbed. I was captured, conquered, vanquished. I could have embraced her, upon my honor.

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I do love nature. She now accepted these with a little smile of a mummy. I then began to Sting singles citas ruber juan bravo about the scenery. All is enjoyment, everything charms.

The balmy air, laden with the perfume of grasses and the smell of seaweed, soothes the olfactory sense with its wild fragrance, soothes the palate with its sea savor, soothes the mind with its pervading sweetness.

And we drank in with open mouth and expanded chest that fresh breeze, briny from kissing the waves, that came from the ocean and passed across our faces. Far off in the distance a three-master in full sail was outlined on the blood-red sky and a steamship, somewhat nearer, passed along, leaving behind it a trail of smoke on the horizon.

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The red sun globe sank slowly lower and lower and presently touched the water just behind the motionless vessel, which, in its dazzling effulgence, looked as though framed in a flame of fire. We saw it plunge, grow smaller and disappear, swallowed up by the ocean. She seemed longing to embrace the sky, the sea, the whole landscape. I love - I love' I saw a tear in her eye.

She continued: 'I wish I were a little bird, so that I could mount up into the firmament. I should have liked to have sketched her in my album. It would have been a caricature of ecstasy. She listened attentively, eagerly seeking to divine the meaning of the terms, so as to understand my thoughts. I understand, I understand.

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It is very interesting. She lacked equilibrium like all women who are spinsters at the age of fifty. She seemed to be preserved in a pickle of innocence, but her heart still retained something very youthful and inflammable. She loved both nature and animals with a fervor, a love like old wine fermented through age, with a sensuous love that she had never bestowed on men. I love you ever since I became acquainted with Miss Harriet.

When I started out in the morning with my knapsack on my back, she would accompany me in silence as far as the end of the village, evidently struggling to find words with which to begin a conversation. Then she would leave me abruptly and walk away quickly with her springy step. Are you willing? I have been very curious. Then, suddenly, fearing perhaps that she was disturbing me, she Sting singles citas ruber juan bravo 'Thank you,' and walked away.

She carried her camp stool under Sting singles citas ruber juan bravo arm, not permitting me to carry it. She would remain there for hours, silent and motionless, following with her eyes the point of my brush, in its every movement.

When I obtained unexpectedly just the effect I wanted by a dash of color put on with the palette knife, she involuntarily uttered a little 'Ah! She had the most tender respect for my canvases, an almost religious respect for that human reproduction of a part of nature's work divine. My studies appeared to her a kind of religious pictures, and sometimes she spoke to me of God, with the idea of converting me. He was a sort of village philosopher without any great resources and without great power, for she always figured him to herself as inconsolable over injustices committed under his eyes, as though he were powerless to prevent them.

But I soon perceived that she had changed somewhat in her manner, though, for a while, I paid little attention to it. She would then sit down abruptly, out of breath, as though she had been running or were overcome by some profound emotion. Her face would be red, that English red which is denied to the people of all other countries; then, without any reason, she would turn ashy pale and seem about to faint away. Gradually, however, her natural color would return and she would begin to speak.

This had hitherto seldom given her any concern, and she would come to dinner without embarrassment all dishevelled by her sister, the breeze. But now she would go to her room and arrange the Sting singles citas ruber juan bravo locks, and when I would say, with familiar gallantry, which, however, always offended her "'You are as beautiful as a star to-day, Miss Harriet,' a blush would immediately rise to her cheeks, the blush of a young girl, of a girl of fifteen. I thought, 'This is only a fit of temper; it will blow over.

I never saw her now except at meals, and we spoke but little. What have I done to displease you? You are causing me much pain!

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It is not true, not true,' and she ran upstairs and shut herself up in her room. I have often said to myself since then that those who are condemned to death must look thus when they are informed that their last day has come. In her eye there lurked a species of insanity, an insanity at once mystical and violent; and even more, a fever, an aggravated longing, impatient and impotent, for the unattained and unattainable. But what do I know? What do I know?

And at the extreme end of that heavy, transparent fog one saw, or, rather, surmised, that a couple of human beings were approaching, a human couple, a youth and a maiden, their arms interlaced, embracing each other, their heads inclined toward each other, their lips meeting. It was well done; yes, indeed, well done. On this particular morning I had, Sting singles citas ruber juan bravo chance, the sort of floating vapor which I needed.

Suddenly something rose up in front of me like a phantom; it was Miss Harriet. On seeing me she was about to flee. But I called after her, saying: 'Come here, come here, mademoiselle. I have a nice little picture for you. Un diario conservador acusaba a la obra de "propagar" la homosexualidad entre los menores. El autor de 'Fariña' se confiesa "aliviado" por la decisión judicial de levantar el secuestro de su obra.

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